![Screenshot der Seite Master Regale für die Präsentation des Use Cases zur Websiteerstellung](https://zds.online/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Master-Regal-Use-Case-Mac.png)
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In recent years, Zander Digital Services has already successfully integrated marketing automation for many clients. Among them is the Zander Group with over 100,000 contacts.
Read the full case study or watch our live recording:
Purposes of use
Currently, Marketing Automation is used at the Zander Group for the following areas: Newsletters, contact forms, automated campaigns and lead generation.
![Screenshot der Website des Use Cases Master Regale](https://zds.online/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Mockup_Laptop_UseCase_Internationalshops.png)
One of our most recent SEO projects is Master Regale, a German manufacturer of heavy-duty shelving. Over a period of 3 years, we accompanied the relaunch of the website www.master-regale.de.
What we have implemented
As part of the relaunch, we not only designed the new website, but also carried out extensive on-site and off-site optimisation. For example, new content was created, the website was restructured and a strong backlink profile was developed.
In addition, we used a new Google feature: FAQ Snippets, which appear directly on the Search Engine Result Page (SERPs) when used correctly.
Further measures: B2B collaborations, collaborations with bloggers and testers, revitalisation of the blog and social media.
![Screenshot des Use Cases Master Regale](https://zds.online/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Mockup_Smartphone_InternationalerShop_Usecase.png)
As part of the SEO optimisation, the new Google function FAQ snippets was used.
![Präsentation des FAQ-Snippets Features anhand eines Screenshot aus der Suchmaschine](https://zds.online/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Screenshot_masterregale_faq_snippets.png)
For this purpose, our team researched which questions customers usually ask before buying and created answers to them that are worth knowing.
Now these answers appear directly on the Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP) and offer both the search engine and the users valuable added value.
Relaunch des Shops
Im Rahmen des Relaunches der Website www.master-regale.de hat das Team von Zander Digital Services neben diversen SEO-Maßnahmen auch den internationalen Shop von Master Regale neu aufgebaut.
USe CAse B2C2B / Three-stage Distribution
Zander Digital Services has already successfully implemented various B2C2B projects with the ZANDER GROUP, especially in connection with the Lumina bathroom exhibition, a brand of the ZANDER GROUP.
What we have implemented
If the customer is interested in advice on a barrier-free bathroom, they can request a consultation appointment via Lumina. To do this, the customer deposits their contact data and important information about their project with Lumina.
The customer’s master data is then forwarded to various specialist craftsmen in the area. If one of these accepts the project, he receives further information about the project.
The specialist craftsman then contacts the end customer and arranges a personal appointment. The customer then receives an offer and, in the best case, the order is concluded.
Afterwards, Lumina or the Zander Group asks for important data on the lead that was passed on and thus checks the success of the project.
Use Case B2C2B / Three-stage Distribution
Zander’s three-stage sales channel also works for e-mobility projects, such as charging points for e-cars in company car parks,
via an online enquiry to potential tradesmen.
What we have implemented
Zander Digital Services was also able to implement a B2C2B project on the topic of e-mobility and charging stations at the Zander Group.
This process is primarily aimed at end customers with larger projects. An example of such a project is the installation of several charging stations in the company car park for employees and customers. If the customer is interested in such a project, they can request a quote from a craftsman in their area via the Zander Group.
The customer’s master data is then sent to this, with the option of accepting the project. As soon as a craftsman accepts the project, he receives more detailed information.
The craftsman then sends the customer an offer and, in the best case, a contract is concluded.
Afterwards, the Zander Group asks for important data on the lead that was passed on and thus checks the success of the project.
Use Case Digital Inventory
Lumina Live &
With “Lumina Live” for the SHK sector and “ZANDER Live” for the electrical sector, we have created another digital inventory for the Zander Group, from which both Zander and its business partners and customers can benefit.
The “Lumina Live” event series offers manufacturers and suppliers in the SHK sector the opportunity to present their products live to the customers of the Zander Group. Directly from the Lumina bathroom exhibition on site or the modern studio.
The manufacturers thus get the opportunity to present themselves and their products in an attractive way, while the tradesmen are offered real added value.
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We would be happy to answer your questions about our use cases in a non-binding consultation and evaluate together where we can support you.
![Andreas Berth, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei Zander Digital Services](https://zds.online/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Andreas-Berth_Zander-Digital-Services.jpg)