Industry solution
three-stage distribution
Industry solution
three-stage distribution
From the company to the end customer and on to your business partner. Generate valuable orders at the end customer and offer them convenient complete solutions without leaving the three-stage sales channel!
The three-stage distribution
Hand over valuable leads to your business partners that you can’t use yourself! Business partners can be craftsmen, workshops etc., i.e. executing companies.
End customer
Lead Generation
Wholesaler & Manufacturer
Lead Qualification & Lead Management
Project Implementation
Marketing Automation in three-stage distribution
The entire process of our industry solution for three-stage sales is based on an established german marketing automation software. Learn more about it here!
At Zander Digital Services, we use the Evalanche marketing automation software from the software developer SC-Neworks, based in Starnberg, Germany, as standard and exclusively.
Evalanche from SC-Networks is one of the leading software solutions in the area of marketing automation and a long-standing partner of Zander Digital Services. Evalanche offers much more than just simple mail distribution. The marketing automation platform supports us and our customers in digitizing and, above all, automating complex marketing and sales processes.
The core of the industry solution developed by Zander Digital Service (ZDS) is the Evalanche marketing automation platform. Around this, a proven process is built that optimally supports manufacturers and wholesalers in the HVAC and electrical sector in lead generation and management as well as customer retention – through automation and transparency.
Concrete areas of application in three-stage sales:
- Lead generation with the help of web forms
- Data protection-compliant profile storage and management
- Automated matching of requirement profiles (lead qualification)
- Automated communication along the previously defined process
- Permanent data synchronization with any system integrated in the process (e.g. CRM system)
With Evalanche as a marketing automation platform “Made in Germany” and the many years of industry experience of ZDS, plumbing, heating, climatic and electrical companies can rely on DSGVO compliance, german-speaking support, a transparent cost model, as well as proven methods and a short time-to-market.
On top of that, both partners are rooted in a strong ecosystem of other software providers and use their solutions themselves. ZDS in particular offers plumbing, heating, climatic and electrical wholesalers the know-how from both a service provider and user perspective. We are proud to be an Evalanche Gold Partner!
The advantages of the software:
- “Made in Germany”
- Information security and data protection in accordance with the DSGVO
- TÜV-certified high-performance data centers in Germany

USE Case
Zander Digital Services konnte mit der ZANDER-GRUPPE bereits diverse B2C2B Projekte erfolgreich umsetzen, vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Lumina Badausstellung, einer Marke der ZANDER-GRUPPE.
Three-stage Distribution – A SIMPLIFIED OVERVIEW
The Process
Don’t ignore your traffic. Use it! It benefits you, your business partners and the end customer. A “win-win-win” scenario.
Awareness & Interest
More traffic is generated to the manufacturer or wholesaler via Google and Social Media Ads. When people click on the Ad, they are redirected to the landing page.
On the associated landing page, the end customer receives further information on the topic and can enter their name in the contact form if they are interested in a consulting service.
Based on previously defined criteria, the software automatically sends an inquiry via e-mail to suitable business partners. Whoever responds first is awarded the contract and a predefined project processing time.
Lead Qualifizierung
Anhand von zuvor definierten Kriterien versendet die Software automatisiert eine Anfrage via Email an geeignete Businesspartner. Wer zuerst reagiert, erhält den Zuschlag und eine vorgegebene Projektbearbeitungszeit.
Ist ein Lead komplett übergeben worden, kann der jeweilige Businesspartner bequem über den Browser via Login auf sein Cockpit zugreifen. Dort behält er den Überblick über die erhaltenen Aufträge und kann den aktuellen Projektstatus reporten.
Der Businesspartner nimmt Kontakt zum Endkunden auf und kümmert sich um dessen Anliegen. Muss der das Projekt doch wieder abgeben, landet es erneut im Pool und wird an alle verfügbaren Businesspartner ausgespielt.
Abhängig von der Projektart erfragt die Marketing Automation in definierten Zeiträumen beim Businesspartner ein Reporting zum Projektfortschritt. Der reportet dem Großhändler oder Hersteller, wie er den Lead weiterbearbeitet hat und wie der aktuelle Status ist.
Die verarbeiteten Daten aus dem Prozess befinden sich zunächst in der Marketing Automation Software und lassen sich, wenn gewünscht, in das CRM übertragen, damit jeder Mitarbeiter zu jeder Zeit dieselben Informationen zum Projektstatus hat.
Während des gesamten Prozesses findet eine permanente Statusabfrage zwischen den Systemen statt. Die verarbeiteten Daten aus dem dreistufigen Vertriebsprozess werden u.a. mit der von Ihnen genutzten Customer Relationship Management Software synchronisiert.

Sie nutzen Genesis World als führendes CRM-System?
Als Partner von CAS konnektieren wir Ihre Systeme im dreistufigen Vertriebsprozess! *
*Es ist auch möglich andere CRM-Systeme zu integrieren.
Once a lead has been completely transferred, the respective business partner can conveniently access his cockpit via the browser and login. There he can keep track of the orders received and report on the current project status.
The business partner contacts the end customer and takes care of their concerns. If the customer has to hand over the project, it is returned to the pool and distributed to all available business partners.
Depending on the project type, Marketing Automation requests reports on project progress from the business partner at defined intervals. The business partner reports to the wholesaler or manufacturer how the lead has been processed and what the current status is.
The processed data from the process is initially located in the Marketing Automation software and, if desired, can be transferred to the CRM so that every employee has the same information on the project status at all times.
During the entire process, there is a permanent status query between the systems. The processed data from the three-stage sales process is synchronized with the customer relationship management software you use, among other things.

Are you using Genesis World as your leading CRM system? As a CAS partner, we connect your systems in the three-stage sales process!*
*It is also possible to integrate other CRM systems.
The advantages
Zander Digital Services offers plumbing, heating, climatic and electrical wholesalers as well as manufacturers the know-how from both a service provider and user perspective. A win-win-win situation for three-stage distribution!
With the automated industry solution, wholesalers and manufacturers benefit in particular from better tracking of the lead process, including better costing – “What does a lead cost?” – for new customer acquisition, as well as optimized sales pipeline management.
- Meaningful use of existing, unused traffic.
- Building loyalty to own customers.
- Sales management at product level.
Fast processing of his request.
Certainty of having found a reputable, available and qualified service provider.
Everything from a single source.
Receipt of already qualified leads.
No investment necessary.
Our services
Do you want full-service support along the entire process or do you only need to set up the process and then take over yourself? With us you have the choice!
Full Service
You do not have sufficient resources to manage such a project yourself? For a month, we take over the entire process for you, from the set-up, to the platform support, to the ads placement, for free. You don’t have to worry about anything!
Setup, training & handover
You just need some start-up help and want to do the rest in-house? We will be happy to calculate an individual fixed price for your sales project, tailored to your requirements!
Setup & Operation
You prefer to carry out the online marketing measures independently? Then choose the hybrid option and we will take care of the setup as well as the (technical) support of the marketing automation platform for a monthly flat fee.
Use Cases
Our best practice processes create successful sales automation and include various theme campaigns for the different business areas in plumbing, heating, climatic and electrical wholesale trade. These examples are highlighted in detail below.
USE Case
Zander Digital Services has already successfully implemented various B2C2B projects with the ZANDER-GROUP, especially in connection with the Lumina bathroom exhibition, a brand of the ZANDER-GROUP.

USE Case
Zander’s three-stage sales channel also works for e-mobility projects, such as charging stations for e-cars in company parking lots, via an online inquiry to potential tradespeople.
Industry solution
three-stage distribution
Vom Unternehmen zum Endkunden und weiter zu Ihrem Business-Partner. Generieren Sie wertvolle Aufträge beim Endkunden und bieten ihm komfortable Komplettlösungen, ohne dabei den dreistufigen Vertriebsweg zu verlassen!

Contact Us
We support you in your three-step sales process!
We support you!

Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment with us, during which we will identify the areas in which we can provide you with professional support!