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How today’s youth browses the internet

Tablets are becoming increasingly popular among young people – this was the result of a recent research by Postbank, for which 1,000 Germans between the ages of 16 and 18 were surveyed. Here is an overview of the most important findings:

📱 The smartphone is and remains the most popular device among young people for accessing the internet, with a usage of 95 % (growth of 4 %). It is followed by the laptop with 54 % (growth of 1 %). While the growth of the smartphone and laptop is rather modest, the tablet has gained significantly in popularity. While tablet use was 42 % in the previous year, it rose by 11 percentage points to 53 % this year.

🖥️ Also interesting: of the 168 hours that a week has, young people spend an average of 67.8 hours online, 39 hours of them on their smartphones. When added up, that’s 9.69 hours a day spent on the internet.

👩🆚👦 The study also shows that the popularity of the devices depends on gender. While 98 % of girls use a smartphone for browsing the internet, only 92 % of boys do. Desktop PCs, on the other hand, are used by 54 % of boys and only 23 % of girls.

#survey #jugendliche #Internetusage

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