Artificial intelligence

At Zander Digital Services, we specialize in developing tailor-made AI strategies for companies to fully exploit their business potential.

We give you a head start in the digital world!

Our advanced AI solutions offer customizable, scalable and secure applications. Benefit from our AI solutions.

The Advantages


KI bietet Echtzeit-Analysen und Prognosen aus großen Datenmengen für fundierte und zukunftsorientierte strategische Entscheidungen.


Durch Automatisierung, präzise Vorhersagen und die Optimierung von Ressourcen hilft KI, betriebliche Kosten zu senden und die Effizienz zu steigern. 


KI ermöglicht innovative Produktentwicklung, personalisierte Kundenerlebnisse und flexible Anpassungsfähigkeit für einen Vorsprung im Wettbewerbsumfeld.

AI offers real-time analyses and forecasts from large amounts of data for well-founded and future-oriented strategic decisions.

Through automation, precise predictions and the optimization of resources, AI helps to reduce operational costs and increase efficiency.

AI enables innovative product development, personalized customer experiences and flexible adaptability for a competitive edge.

USE Case


Mitegro is a cooperation of electrical wholesale companies.

With around 1.16 million products, it faces the challenge of completing data and structuring it according to the ETIM model.

We at Zander Digital Services were able to help!

Please understand that we are unable to present the details of the project here. We would be happy to present the project to you in a ViCo.

Our services

Data analysis

We provide comprehensive insights into large volumes of data to enable well-founded decisions.

Data enhancement

Data completion through automation. Increased efficiency and greater accuracy of information.

AI integration

We help companies seamlessly integrate AI into existing systems to improve efficiency and performance.


We provide you with customized, automated customer service solutions for an improved user experience.



ETIM - The standard for classifying product data

Frequently asked questions from customers about product data.
Please contact us if you have any further questions!

ETIM is a format for sharing and exchanging product data based on taxonomic identification. This widely used classification standard for technical products was developed to structure the flow of information between B2B professionals.

Universal standard for all products

Every product can be evaluated and described in detail by experts.

Since ETIM was founded, it has been successfully proven that the idea can be transferred to a wide range of product areas. Business areas such as plumbing – heating – air conditioning or tools – hardware – factory equipment are all based on the same standardization concept.

Jointly created product classes and their characteristics not only enable precise product descriptions, but also the far-reaching acceptance and relevance of the resulting data.

Contact Us

We integrate AI solutions for you!

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Arrange a no-obligation consultation with us to identify the areas in which we can help you with the use of artificial intelligence.